Trailer release: “Affairs of State”

The official trailer for "Affairs of State" finally dropped the other day but I'm just now finally getting around to posting it.  

This is a really fun little action movie directed by my pal Eric Bross. Given the fact that they were wrapping production on it just before the 2016 presidential election it's surprisingly timely as a political thriller as well.  I suppose anything involving politics, back stabbing (literal and figurative), salacious affairs and power hungry playboys will always be perennially timely but something about this one seems a little more urgent in the Trump era now.  

There's a really nice score by Justin Bell and Johnathan Levi Shanes and a handful of nice song moments including "Feel The Steel" by the LA hip hop legend Mellow Man Ace (of Cypress Hill fame) and a great end title placement of the song "Hypericum" by the Sub Pop/Hardly Art band Gem Club. 

This is a Lionsgate/Grindstone release and it'll be in select cities theatrically as of June 15th!

Affairs of State.jpg


"Return To Mount Kennedy" premiers in Telluride


Trailer release: “Under The Silver Lake”